What's Been Going On 2
This weekend I plan on doing lots more work on the house. There is much to do in order to make things “up to par.” My wife has been kind enough to allow us not to have running water in the house since early November. Yes, you read that right, we have not had running water in the house since November. It would seem any other woman would be screaming at me every evening after I got home from work. Not my wife! She’s still cheery. Did I mention we don’t have a range either? If we want to cook food at home we have to do so in the toaster oven. This week I was able to get the kitchen sink reconnected; this weekend I should be able to get the water heater reconnected so that we can have hot water again. Hurrah for the God given refreshment of hot water!
On other fronts, I also have some security software that my employer is creating to test on some personal hardware at home, which might make for some interesting entries on here.
Possibly more to come over the weekend!
Merry Christmas!